Zeolite Animal Feed Aadditive
There are numerous benefits to the application of zeolite in animal feed additives
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Zeolite Animal Feed Aadditive |
Zeolite is used widely by livestock farmers as an animal feed additive for beef cattle, dairy Cows, Swine, poultry (broilers & egg production), and sheep. Since Zeolite is the World’s only naturally occurring, negatively charged, mineral a great number of benefits in the feed process can result from the basic chemistry of the zeolite as an animal feed additive.
Zeolite is organic certified, stable and non-toxic. This, combined with their other unique characteristics, allows them to be used as feed additives with multiple, complementary benefits. Zeolite animal feed additive will also absorb odors from spoiled grain or feed grain and will substantially reduce odors in enclosed animal facilities.
The introduction of zeolite as an animal feed additive provides the following rewards:
- improved animal growth and Weight gain by increased food conversion rate efficiencies (less feed required per pound of Weight gain)
- Strong affinity for ammonium provides superior odor control and a healthy environment. Also protects the penetration of ammonia into the bloodstream
- Zeolite is a rumen buffer for the total digestive tract of high-performance dairy cattle. Higher CEC means more buffering (see below for an actual case)
- Reduction of Scours, acidosis, diarrhea, enteritis and other gastrointestinal diseases
- Strong affinity for ammonium that aids in digestion and nutrient absorption and improves the value of milk, gradable eggs and the meat index
- improved dispersion of feed ration ingredients by reducing agglomeration
- increased NPN for ruminants and improves rumen microbial activity (see next section)
- Better phosphate utilization
- Enhances effect of carbamide in cattle feed. Absorbs NH4+ released by carbamide hydrolysis
- Reduces acidosis (grain poisoning)
- Anticaking / flow agent for feed and increased feed pellet durability
- Improved bone growth . Reduced mortality
- Has no caloric value and is not a therapeutic
- Approved for use in animal feed additives
- Improves feed conversion rates
- Improves the digestion of raw fibers
- Reduces the stress placed on animals and their digestive systems
- Facilitates the uptake and retention of essential nutrients including calcium (Ca), potassium (K), sodium (Na) and zinc (Zn)
- Prevents caking in feeds
- Myco-Toxin binder. Zeolite has EU approval for use in the swine and poultry industry. Though not currently approved in North America for mycotoxin binding, zeolite is the standard for a mycotoxin binder in many countries and also Europe by absorbing a broad Spectrum of toxins. It also helps control aflatoxins in animal feed which lowers mortality rates from digestive stress and reduces the need for antibiotics and medicines. In Europe antibiotics are not used when using zeolite in feed
Zeolite supplement as non-protein nitrogen’s in ruminant animal feed
Many animals such as hogs and poultry need preformed protein from plants and animals. Ruminant animals such as dairy cows, beef cattle, sheep, goats, etc have microorganisms in their first stomach (rumen) that make protein from simple nitrogen compounds. They convert the non-protein nitrogen (NPN) to ammonia and then convert the ammonia to amino acids, which are then converted to proteins.
This creates the following toxic symptoms:
- Bloat – from excess ammonia
- Labored Breathing – Occurs when the animal tries to correct the acid-base imbalance by adjusting blood carbon dioxide levels
- Lack of Coordination when the electrolyte imbalance affects the brain.
When zeolite is included in animal feed additives it adsorbs much of the ammonia generated from the NPN. It acts as a reservoir and slow release mechanism for the nitrogen. This can allow the feeding of up to 4 to 6 times more NPN. During rumination, a portion of the contents of the first stomach is returned to the mouth for additional chewing and saliva additions. Saliva introduced during mastication contains sodium which replaces the ammonium. This results in the slow release of the un-reacted ammonia which is then converted to protein amino acids by the microorganisms. Zeolite also provides a reduction of dicalcium phosphate by up to 50% therefore providing a health benefit and pollution prevention. Presently, the most common approach to cutting dicalcium phosphate is to feed phytase
- Increased overall herd health
- Acts as a binding agent for mycotoxins and aflatoxins
- Acts as a buffering agent
- 30-40% reduction in ammonia released from the cow
- Added fertilizer value to your waste products 100% natural and Certified Organic by the Ministry of Agriculture in Jordan
- Better value and a direct replacement for sodium bicarbonate as a rumen buffer
- Increased feed conversion
- Balances Ph levels
Once Zeolite leaves the cow, it will be fully loaded with Nitrogen and ready for use in fields or compost. This bound Nitrogen is unique in the sense it will only be released through CEC in the form of plant mineralization. Extended use will also promote lower water necessity to obtain the same crop yield because Zeolite can hold up to 60% of its mass in water. Zeolite will also recapture any commercial fertilizer applied to the field retaining it in the root zone for further use.
Soure : www.greenzeolit.com
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