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The Positive Effects of Zeolite Used in Animal Feed |
The growing demand for healthier food products has to lead to the innovation of zeolite additives in animal feed. According to recent studies, all animal feed is contaminated by more than one mycotoxin. According to Gowda, N. K. S, in his book Aflatoxins, it is estimated about 25% of the world’s livestock is affected by mycotoxins annually.
Mycotoxins cause harm to animals and humans. Recent studies on Zeolite have successfully found many great benefits as an additive in animal feed.Zeolite is naturally organic, non-toxic, and absorbs odor. The use of zeolite in stored animal feed acts as an anti-clumping agent and reduces the risk of mold. Additionally, zeolite selectively captures ammonia molecules, heavy metals, toxins, and ammonia. The binding of ammonia, which reduces nitrogen excretion in feces, can lower concentrations in livestock farms and in the environment (Amon et al. 1997)
Mixing zeolite in animal feed has produced positive performance results including; metabolic utilization of nutrients and basic health improvements for broilers.
In one study of 2%, 4%, and a control group of zeolite mixed in animal feed, the 2% group had significantly higher egg weight of 64.68g. This shows that at 2% of zeolite the growth of the egg is healthier. The 4% group decreased the egg weight to 62.20g and the control group egg weight stayed at a 63.73g. (Macháček 2010).
Additionally, the study found that the 2% group decreased its feed consumption to 114g, and the control group was at a 118g. (Macháček 2010).
With a lower feed consumption rate, the chicken in the 2% group increased metabolic utilization of fat, nitrogen-free extracts, starch, and gross energy compared to the control group.
Another study shows how 2% of zeolite mixed in with feed for poultry has had positive
effects of broiler growth and litter quality. (Karamanlis 2008).
By adding zeolite to sawdust the broiler chicken’s quality of litter improved. Another effect of zeolite introduced to animal feed is disease prevention. A 2011 study produced positive results when using different concentrations of zeolite as a feed additive for broilers; it was able to control Salmonella at the broiler farm. (Al-Nasser 2011).
Results from a study done on protecting animal feed from pathogens showed that zeolite added to chicken feed reduced flora levels. Compared to the controlled group in the chicken body, the experiment was successful with amounts at a level of 0,5% or 1%. Another finding indicated that the additive zeolite helped with performance levels and production of organs, specifically omega 3 fatty acids.
- Effects of the feed additive ZeoFeed on Nutrient Metabolism and
- Karamanlis_The Effect of Natural Zeolite on the Performance of Broiler Chickens
- Fendri, I., Khannous, L., Mallek, Z., Traore, A. I., Gharsallah, N., & Gdoura, R. (2012). Influence of Zeolite on fatty acid composition and egg quality in Tunisian Laying Hens. Lipids in health and disease, 11(1), 71.
- Vila-Donat, P., Marín, S., Sanchis, V., & Ramos, A. J. (2018). A review of the mycotoxin adsorbing agents, with an emphasis on their multi-binding capacity, for animal feed decontamination. Food and chemical toxicology.
- Abas, İ., Bilal, T., Ercag, E., & Keser, O. (2011). The effect of organic acid and zeolite addition alone and in combination on the bone mineral value in broilers fed different dietary phosphorus levels. Asian J. Anim. Vet. Adv, 6, 678-687.
- Gowda, N. K. S., Swamy, H. V. L. N., & Mahajan, P. (2013). Recent advances for control, counteraction and amelioration of potential aflatoxins in animal feeds. In Aflatoxins-Recent Advances and Future Prospects. InTech.
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